Kamala will be sworn in as President this week. Definitely by August 1st.
Americans feel betrayed by Democrat Party and the legacy, cable TV media which they own. Hiding Biden's decline betrayed them. Trump shooting scared them. No matter which political party Americans align with, they feel betrayed and attacked. Touching their hearts & souls. Americans lost trust in the system. They lost trust in society and the world around them. This ignites divide. Anger from mistrust creates divide.
Americans vote for candidates that provide them safety and security. For a government that provides that. This started after 9/11; exaggerated since Covid. Most Americans forget, lose focus for freedom and independence. They want to feel safe.
Democrat Party and DNC misjudged Americans' intelligence. Last year, they rigged 2024 election. Put in place all levers and mechanisms to keep White House. Now they realize that plan may fail. "Start Civil unrest now? Or later?" It no longer matters to them "who" will be their candidate. What matters is damage-control.
They contemplate RFK Jr. as their candidate. He's the only candidate that can beat Trump. Problems with that. RFK will return Democrat Party to its pure 1960s days. Pre-JFK assassination days. Gut the current Democrat Party and their jobs, livelihoods, possible prison time. Gut or dismantle many federal agencies. To cut US debt and return USA to its original foundation: Constitutional Republic. RFK knows the anti-American players in Democrat and Republican parties. He's a threat to both parties. They know this. That's why they stop media from giving RFK Jr. any air time.
RFK will only accept DNC nomination if he does it his way: his platform, his people, his message. Current Democrat Party and DNC will be forced to relinquish control. Will they do it? For their country? 50/50 chance. They live for power over Americans.
Yesterday, RFK Jr. held a press conference. You can find it on AP's (Associated Press) YouTube channel and C-Span. He told the truth and outed both parties. It angered politicians in both parties. Trump was shocked but less mad than politicians. He knows what RFK Jr. knows.
RFK Jr. and Trump hold Americans in high esteem; respect their fellow Americans. They both want unity.
Give DNC time to lick their wounds. In time, they'll choose Presidential candidate. Could be Kamala. Likely it's someone else. If they choose Kamala, it means they accept defeat in 2024 election. Or they're satisfied with their election-rigging. Meanwhile, organizations like Truth The Vote ramp up efforts to monitor 2024 election.
During this political upheaval, US enemies discuss attacks. Not nuclear. Infrastructure collapses. Similar to Crowdstrike-Microsoft collapse affecting flights and 911 centers. Federal and local systems collapsing. Domestic terrorists inside US also planning attacks. Happening at least 2x/month. Destabilizing our country. Creating fear and more division. Some current political leaders (both sides-Congress) want this. Presidential candidates RFK Jr. and Trump do NOT want this.
You'll see price at pump decrease. Federal Government lowering gas prices. Crazy that they have so much power. But they do. Domestic consumables pricing should reflect the market (supply & demand) - not be controlled by government. ANWAR might re-open for drilling soon.
Asked Spirit Realm-God "What can we do to stop this? How can Americans unite and move forward peacefully?" Answer: Move 2024 Election date sooner. In September. It's legally and logistically possible. And necessary. The longer Americans wait, the more dangerous it gets.
"How can Americans push election earlier?" Each person contact politicians, local, state, federal leaders. Asking to change election date.
"How can Americans unite?" Show empathy and compassion for people on opposite political side. Instead of arguing, understand and honor them. Agree to disagree without malice and judgment.
Spirit Realm Message: "Envision a peaceful, united, prosperous America. Daily. Envision Americans strong, brave, and respectful of each other. Know it's possible. Know that everyone is hurting in their own way. Understand and listen. Understand that some Americans feel betrayed. Like an abused wife who never imagined her husband would start beating the kids. Until he did. Appreciate the pain without falling victim.
"This is the time when Americans show the world: "We got this. We still live in the Light. United We Stand. Divided We Fall. We will not fall. We will not fail each other. We're all One. Indivisible. Justice For All." Show the world your inner essences and strengths. Stand against tyranny, united. It's time for Americans to shine their Light. With each other. Then that Light will serve as a global beacon, protecting and honoring all divine souls on the planet.
"Lighting up the world. That's how each American can turn chaos into peace. If it only starts with 20,000 Americans, it will be enough. Move from victim to victor. Proving your soul worth. Elevating the frequency. Changing the world. Reversing current power structures."
That's it for today, folks. I didn't edit this. So please accept my apology for any possible typos. I disconnect from all electronics before and during these "views".
Thank you for reading.
-- Robin, Your Sedona Spirit Psychic-Medium