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Writer's pictureSedona Spirit Psychic-Medium

Remote View: Friday & Saturday

Saturday, July 20, 2024

(Friday's is below this one).

Today's Remote-View covers many areas: Politics, International, America's "vibration" and Spirit Realm-God messages.

Democrat Party struggles. Many possible candidates and options. None of them good for the party. None of them good enough for voter support: Blacks and Hispanics. Two main factions of DNC continue arguing over next steps. One side: "We've lost." Other side: "We can bring violence or whatever it takes to keep power." Both sides still agree on Election Fraud or Martial Law. They toss around candidate names like Chelsea Clinton, Michelle Obama, some Squad members, and even RFK Jr. No consensus. No set direction yet. Internal struggles.

Trump & RFK campaigns: Business as usual. Security enhanced.

National Temperature - Energetic & Spiritual. Americans just want to enjoy their daily lives. They want their voices heard. They want to be part of the process that moves their lives - and lives of others - into prosperity, balance, unity, calm and peace. Without retaliation, without threats and hate. They want easy transition and movements. Exhausted by events during last 30 days, since Biden-Trump debate. Inflation and high cost of consumables still exist, which weighs heavy on them. Nothing in their immediate world has changed.

International. Russia, China, Iran and 1 other country that I can't "see" (Turkey, Qatar or Lebanon) - discuss current status of USA. Attack or stand down? They see USA imploding. China doubles their effort to flood US borders with violent illegal immigrants. They're using camera-drones to monitor Americans' activities in certain areas of US this weekend.

Spirit Realm-God message for all Americans and western nations.

"Veil between Heaven and Earth is splinter-thin. Use this time to brainstorm and create the life you want. We're listening. You live in a simulation - where you create and drive your life path & events. You're the driver. We're the boat. Define what you want. Tell us what you want. Stick to it. We will help make it happen, bringing you opportunities that support your soul-heart "wants". Be patient while we help you.

"What you feel affects the "field." You direct events and energy around you. Pay attention to your activities, thoughts and feelings. Steer away from victim mentality and negativity. You're not victims. Your inner energy directs your life at this time.

"You have innate powers - using your soul & heart energy - to move US and globe from strife to stability. Direct your energies or prayers in positive mode. Using the gas pedal, not the brakes. Negative forces exist. They always have. Your positive energy, intention and "dreams" can and will bust any negative event, experience, and emotion - inside and around you.

"This liquid, "free energy", brainstorm energy phase lasts another 30 days. Speak with us (with or without a psychic). Know we're here. Feel faith in us & God. This year is your soul trust-test. Stay positive. We ask that you trust us for 30 days. A tiny sliver of time. Cut bad patterns and loops. We'll help you do this. Let us help you. That's why we're here."

Friday, July 19, 2024

Today's Remote View Blog will not be as specific as Wednesday. I don't want to get into the weeds. And there are TONS of weeds with this one!

The DNC scrambles. Two competing factions within the Democrat Party: Old Guard Boomers and New Guard (Aged 22 to 55). Arguing over which way to go, next steps.

Their new Presidential candidate will not be Kamala. New names thrown around: Chelsea Clinton, Michelle Obama, and one member from "The Squad". With cautious whispers about RFK, Jr.

Dozens of meetings and conversations happening now, firing up the phone and internet video lines. People involved: Schumer, Pelosi, The Obamas, The Clintons, Klaus Schwab (WEF), UN, EU and NATO leaders (France, UK, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine), some Muslim nation leaders, and Billionaire Democrat Donors.

Besides candidate choices, heated discussions ensue about Democrats' future - their direction and platform. "How do we meet new generations' needs?" At the same time, rigging the 2024 election is still on the table. "How do we make it look fair?" They discuss other dilemmas. How to tamp down violence and hate within their party. How to move media into centrists. How to adjust with incompetent DEI hires inside the DNC.

Meanwhile, RFK Jr. continues to speak and campaign. He remains positive, introspective. He may start rallies soon. The Trump camp is grateful that President Trump survived the bullets. They don't pay attention to conspiracy theories.

Microsoft and Crowdstrike are responsible for today's outages. It's 70% likely to be deliberate sabotage from within. Customer service and overall services inside US (eg. pilots, flight attendants, plane mechanics, law enforcement, bus drivers, truck drivers, heavy equipment and train mechanics) are on a downhill slide for rest of this year. Infrastructure failures will happen often. Teamster Union Workers repair damages; become heroes. Atlas Shrug revisited.

Those are the "weeds". Here's the Spiritual "View".

"Adversity happens. None of this is the End Of The World. Life is messy and complicated. The world has been "rigged" for a long time. Bad rulers, cheats, liars. Your soul knows this. You can navigate around it all - living a prosperous, happy life no matter what happens outside you.

"Keep society energy elevated and energized. By staying positive and focused on your life. Your life is equally important as a politicians' life. When you're happy, you add "happy" energy to the world around you. That's how your energy field affects the overall pattern.

"These are the days when YOU create what you want in Earth life's "simulation." Don't doubt yourself. Uplift yourself. No one can do that but you. Practice positive reinforcing self-talk. Snap out of bad patterns and victim loops. You got this."


Hope these Remote-Views inform or inspire you. As you see, they change day-to-day. The type and sources of "views" change.

Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful and fun weekend.

--Robin, Your Sedona Spirit Psychic Medium

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